Energia FAQs


Here Are The Most Frequently Asked Questions.

Welcome to Energia Coffee Creamer Helpdesk. How may we help you? If you don’t see the answer to your question, please contact us and we will get an answer for you.
No. It is dairy-free and deliciously creamy!
No, unfortunately, we do not just yet. We currently only sold in the US.
No, there is no corn in this product.

Please consult your doctor on which vitamins you can take during pregnancy. You can view our ingredients list here

Everything is made in the USA.
No, but our product does provide an extra boost of energy. Just ask one of our founders, who couldn’t sleep after consumption of our creamer at 8pm.
We are a company that is all about putting our customers’ health at the forefront of our choices.

Whatever the reason may be, please email us at info@energiacreamer.com and we’ll try our best to make it right.

Our creamer is vitamin-packed with 15 essential vitamins, plant-based ingredients and minerals for energy and longevity – heck, you may even live longer! Check out our benefits page.
Approximately two years of shelf life, but don’t worry, you’ll be done with the product before then and back for more! :))