What Started Out As A Class Project Became A Reality!
A college class brought us together, but the idea of a cup of coffee kept us united, and full of energy. In 2021, the three of us met in school and decided to work on Energia Coffee Creamer for a class project. We did extensive research on competing products, and saw that they lacked flavor, nutrients, or even the basic ability to mix well with a cup of coffee (other products get all clumpy). Then we thought, “Energia Coffee Creamer is an amazing non-dairy product, with essential vitamins, minerals, Lion’s mane, and a myriad of benefits that everyone can use, what if we brought it to life and made it in the US?” In 2022, we did just that.
Energia’s goal is to create the healthiest coffee creamers on the market. So, each one of our products will be crafted with you and your health in mind. Don’t worry, Energia coffee creamer also tastes amazing, so amazing in fact that you won’t even know that there are vitamins inside. Energia, ‘Healthier by the cup.’ I think that’s our slogan, I’m not sure. Anyway, we’re pretty sure you’ll like it!